Indiana Disciples have received much from the Disciples in Mbandaka since our agreement was signed three years ago. We have discovered a richness of faith that rivals, perhaps surpasses, the faith of those Disciples women who, in the late 1800s, insisted that Disciples of Christ must have a mission in Congo. They prayed, they sold eggs, they held fast, and the seeds of a mighty church were planted. In return, the Disciples in the US were energized to share the good news with others.
Rev. Bonanga reminded us at the time of the signing of the agreement that this partnership between a region in the US and a district in DR Congo is a delicate thing, like an egg that is waiting to hatch, and that it will need to be nourished by all of us if it is to flourish. The need for reciprocal visits were an important inclusion in the agreement. Indiana churches were nourished and engaged through a video created from film of the first visit ( Congolese parishes were energized by the presences of their partners across the ocean. In 2009, Rev. Ilumbe and his wife, Maman Rosette, visited over 40 Indiana congregations, camps, and other events. In 2010, Rev. Linda McCrae of Central Christian Church, Indiananpolis, (and President of the Division of Overseas Ministries) journeyed to Mbandaka, and Rev. Maman Nzeba of the Church of Christ in Congo visited across Indiana and attended the Quadrennial, along with Maman Christiane Ikete. And now, starting Sunday, May 22, 2011, eight of us will return to Mbandaka.
We have shared each other's joys (new church starts, births, friendships) and sorrows (floods and tornados in both countries, an Easter invasion, deaths) over the last three years. We use Skype to hear and see each other from time to time. We are no longer strangers, we are only friends and fellow Disciples separated by an ocean, but close in spirit. On both sides of the Atlantic, we are richly blessed in a way we could not have imagined four years ago.
For the next few blogs, I want to reflect on some of the gifts we Indiana Disciples have received from our partners, and perhaps share pictures of some of the gifts we have given.